Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 30.... Fin.

It's been 30 days already. Wow. I can hardly believe it. It just flew by, and I'm not sure if it's because of the challenge or because lately the months just seems to fly by as if to say "You're getting really old, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Here's a picture of me taken the other night at my friend Chris' birthday crawl...and in the picture with me is my dude friend, Jason. He's pretty cool, even if he's a Ducks fan.

In the last 30 days, I've learned that I really do use sarcasm not only for humorous purposes, but also as a defense mechinism...and it does have a tendency to get me into trouble every now and again. Okay, a lot. It gets me in trouble a lot.
I've learned that a true friend forgives every time, and for the first time I saw it in action and not just on my end. Fantastic!
I've learned that I get distracted waaaaaaaay to easily with real life to just sit for five minutes and get my thoughts out on paper (or on a blog) everyday. Spontenaeity is something I relish in, and sometimes it comes back to bite me in the ass.

Overall, the challenge was interesting, and a good experience. I do think I shall try another one come New Years, just to see if I can do it.

And now...back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Monday, September 27, 2010

29 Days Down...

Karaoke. The word sums up a lot of "Who Is Sam?" I love it. The microphone in my hand, the chance to sing and be heard, the rush of it all. I can never get sick of it. It's my crack. You can call it the lowest form of entertainment if you want, but I think it's glorious...and that's coming from a drama kid!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 28...


I'm a Goonie, and as a native Oregonian, I think it means more. I love driving the hour and twenty minutes to Astoria and taking in the sights, smells, and vibe of it all. If you've never seen this classic (and there are a shocking number of you who haven't), shame on you. Yes, it's corny and the epitome of 80's movies, but come on! Awesomeness awaits on One Eyed Willie's ship, The Inferno.

I will never betray my Goon Dock friends, we will stick together until the whole world ends. Through heaven and hell and nuclear war, good pals like us will stick like tar. In the city or the country or the forest or the boonies, I am proudly declared one of the Goonies.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


*sigh* I hate how sometimes at the end of the day I fail to remember to sit down for FIVE STINKING SECONDS and do my challenge. Fail.

Day 25...
Ah, the female's purse. Her bag of tricks. The container to all her secrets. The source of her "power". I thank bbq everyday that I'm not one of those girls who stashes everything she owns in her purse for "just in case" moments. (that's what my car's trunk is for. duh.)
As a mom, and as a 25 year old female humanoid, I have a spattering of different items in my purse depending on the day, and of course which bag I decided to sport that fine day.
Today, it's my medium sized Guess? purse (complete with matching wallet). So...wallet, keys, coin purse, smut novel, chapstick, gum wrappers, ticket stubs from the zoo, guitar picks that have fallen out of my coin purse that I'm just too lazy to put back, my phone and pack of lung cancer sticks. Exciting, right? Whooooo! It's like a party in my shoulderbag. *rolls eyes*
Don't get too excited...sometimes I even have a comb in there. Yeah. Real party girl on the move.

Day 26...
A photo of somewhere I've been to...what the deuce? As a traveler, I love going places, both old and familiar and also new and exciting.
Earlier this year during Spring Break, I had the opportunity to drive from the Rose City all the way to "exotic" Fort Dodge, Iowa. (I was delivering a car for one of my dad's former elderly employees) I traveled through 8 states in 3 days. I got to see a lot of places I had wanted to visit in the midwest, but had lacked the chance to. I nerded out. A lot.
Two stops on the way to Iowa I was more excited about than all the others. Yes, I did in fact find places more exciting than the Corn Palace in Wyoming (it does exist)... Deadwood, South Dakota; and the Little Big Horn Battlefield. However, I lost my heart in the Black Hills...and it's Deadwood FTW!

So much history! So beautiful! So...western! The town embodies everything you think the Wild West would, could, and should have been. Love it...and I can't wait to go back.

Day 27...
Another "post a picture of yourself from ago and one of now? Seriously? Are we having fun yet?

Samantha: Autumn 2009

Ah, Oahu.... Hawaii speaks to my soul. The attitude, the people, the weather, the....well, everything...never fails to make me feel like I belong. I'm never unhappy there (and it's not the tropical drinks that make me say that). Last fall, I had the chance to spend 4 days there with my best friend, Nephi, and her now husband in Honolulu. He was home on leave from Iraq, and it was around my birthday. This spelled VACATION! I had not had a real vacation in years. I was turning 25. I needed to get out of dodge. It had been a rough rough year, and everyone knew that time away from home was needed, so I was sent to the Aloha State to get away "from it all". Not complaining. I had a blast. I had never taken a vacation without my family and just friends. I had never been that far away from my kids in their entire lives. I had never completely un-wound from all the stresses of the last 5 years and enjoyed myself.
The gorgeous sunsets, exploring the island everyday, scorching sun and dripping humidity, never ending games of Your Team, and two of my best friends made for a vacation I will never forget. And, I gotta say...I'm ready for Hawaii: Part Deux. Hint hint.

Samantha: Autumn 2010

Yes. This is the same girl in the previous photo. Attractive, ain't she? Who could resist that....face? LOL!
Everyone changes with each passing year. Thier hairstyle. Clothes. Underwear (hopefully). Why fight it? I've found that in the past year, my sarcasm has really come out, even more than before. My understanding of love has grown. My ability to withstand personal hardships has strengthened. My drive is more focused. I've become a better parent, friend, daughter, musician all because of it. I wouldn't trade any of my "learning experiences" for anything.
I know who and what mean the most to me. I know where I stand and what I believe in more than ever before...and it's a good feeling to have.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 24...

So, I'm perplexed. Today I am supposed to post a picture of "something that means a lot to me." Just ONE thing? I don't think so. There are way way way too many things that mean a lot to me. Not just something, but more than that.

Obviously at the very top of my list are my munchkins. I made them, I gave them life, I put up with their bickering and messes...and have loved every minute of it.

I love Oregon. Most of all, I love Portland. It's home. The hustle and bustle of the Rose City is familiar and safe. I love that only a hour away (in opposite directions) is the Pacific Ocean and Mount Hood. I love that we have SEASONS up here (sorry, Nephi...I know Texas is making you miserable, and your inner PNWer die a little more with each and every day). I love the sound of the rain pounding on my roof and bedroom windows at night. I love the variety of personas you can find around town. I just love the place I call home.

My guitar means a lot to me. Both of them. There's nothing quite like after having a bad day (or a fabulous one), picking up the six string, and letting it all out. I don't care if it's a song you wrote yourself or something you heard off the radio and are trying to replicate either very well or your attempt makes people want to stare at naked Dick Cheney instead....it's therapeutic. Where words fail, music speaks. It's the universal language. And, let's face it. Girls who rock the guitar...are sexy. Boom!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 23...and all caught up!

I've already posted a list of facts about me not that long ago... so instead I'm going to post a list of thing that I believe. Don't make that face. I'm just against re-posting things so soon.

~I believe in whoopie cushions and potty humor
~I believe in laughing as long and hard and loud as you want
~I believe I have no reason to be ashamed of the fact that i snort when i get laughing
~I believe in long hard hugs
~I believe in nurturing my inner child
~I believe that love and laughter really do heal
~I believe that true love really does conquer all
~I believe in guys giving girls flowers just because
~I believe in telling someone about the little things that make you all squirmy inside
~I believe honesty really is the best policy....even if it hurts to say it or hear it
~I believe in having that one person you can call anytime of day or night for any reason or no reason at all
~I believe that karma exists and is exacted every day
~I believe in going after what you want.....AND being able to face the possiblity of being disappointed
~I believe its possible to have mulitiple soul mates
~I believe there is that one person you could spend the rest of your life with
~I believe that not all things are created equal....
~I believe in the power of I'm sorry
~I believe in NOT saying I LOVE YOU until you truly do
~I believe that sometimes taking it slow is MUCH more fun than rushing into something
~I believe that a true friend forgives EVERY time
~I believe in fuzzy sweaters and big blankets
~I believe in cuddling on a huge couch till u both fall asleep
~I believe watching a movie can be just as much fun as going out
~I believe in letting guys open doors and pour me a beer
~I believe in ATTEMPTING to pay some of the time :)
~I believe in making out
~I believe in giggling with your best girl friend
~I believe in making people laugh
~I believe that what you see in my eyes....is the real me
~I believe in paying compliments regularly.....and meaning what i say
~I believe in getting down right goofy
~I believe in being ticklish and getting tickled
~I believe that no matter what happens today....tommorrow will be completely different
~I believe in letting crap go when all it does is piss me off
~I believe in flirting
~I believe in being unafraid to say "I dont know how"
~I believe in being unafraid to LEARN how
~I believe in speaking my mind
~I believe in belching....it feels good and sometimes it's impressive
~I believe in having a damn good cry for no damn good reason
~I believe in smiling like you mean it
~I believe in enjoying each others company no matter what you are doing
~I believe in learning new things as often as I can
~I believe in wearing my heart on my sleeve
~I believe in turning a negative in to a positvie
~I believe every person NEEDS to find their one true passion....and become a master at it
~I believe in loving what you've got...and working for what you don't
~I believe success is not measured by how much shit you have, but how you feel about what you DO have
~I believe in doing something that scares you at least once in your life
~I believe in total randomness
~I believe in surprises
~I believe in nurturing my childrens' love for life
~I believe that love waits for no man....instead it walks up and sucker punches you when you least expect it
~I believe that love finds you.....not the other way around
~I believe in knowing how to change my tire, oil and brakes
~I believe in mental spring cleaning
~I believe in making my own fun
~I believe that no matter where you are at in your love life...make time for your best friend
~I believe that no matter how crazy your family is...mine's crazier
~I believe in giving my opinion and listening to yours

Day 22...

To Someone Who Hurt Me-

It just feels like we're on this neverending carousel of on and off. What hurts the most is that you just can't buck up, get over past hurts (I did, and feel fantastic), and just close your eyes and take a leap of faith.

You told me last week that it was brought to your attention you never laugh as much as when you're with me. Hmmmm.

However, you're an adult, and know what's best for you...just like I know what's best for me.

You make me smile, laugh, and understand me. You accept me and my ADD moments. Not only that, but you are the bestest friend I've ever had. I'll always love you on some level, but this girl had to move on.



A whole week. It's been an interesting one. My poor little boy's health is in the imbalances, so I apologize for the stalling in my challenge. But, a mom first, blogger second.

Here are some pictures to sum up the past few days' entry assignments (yes I know they are in reverse from what they should be. get over it):
Singing makes me a happy happy girl!

I heart Stewie Griffin, and I use the phrase "what the deuce" on a daily basis...it just fits.

C'est moi!

To quote someone close to me "You, Sam, are theatre people. You crave the spotlight." Pretty much.

Familia...well, some of it.

Seth Green...I just can't get enough of that ginger!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

(almost) 1001 reasons I should not be single

I didn't vote for either George Bush
Superbowl Sunday is my New Years
I don't tear the tags off my mattresses 'til I get home
I always stop to pet dogs outside of grocery stores
I'm likely to be sporting a different style every time you see me
I only use the rail when I walk down the stairs 30% of the time ( I love to walk the line ya know)
I've never read Playboy for the articles
I'll make you laugh
I've never been in one of Tommy Lee's movies
I'll never under cook the eggs
I'll never drink your last beer
I can make a mean pot of chili
I'll pretend I didn't see you look at that chick with the big boobs
I'll always be impressed with how strong you are
I know that handcuffs aren't just for the cops
I've never kicked a boy in the balls
I recycle
I do know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
I won't steal the vicoden out of your medicine cabinet
I'll take care of you when you're sick and sometimes just because I think you're the shit
I'll make fun of you
I come with my own set of ear plugs in case of snoring
I can give a kick ass back rub
I haven't been a house guest of O.J. Simpson
I like football
I can't stand soaps
I've got a sweet hook up
I don't care if you leave the seat up
I never backseat drive
I think chicks are hot
I have some pretty sweet tattoos
I can pump my own gas
I don't give a shit if I break a nail
I've got cookies
I don't chew tobacco
I take a shower every day, twice even sometimes
I like it when you tug my hair
I'll let you beat me at pool
I'll keep working until I chip away at your walls
I don't care that you go out with the boys
I don't eat crackers in bed too often
I think it's hot when you come home all dirty from playing hard
I like it when dogs sleep on the bed
I can't stand the mall
I don't care what music we listen to in the car
I've never eaten a bon-bon in my life
My closet comes equipped with a crap ton of hoodies
I'd never ask you to go to lunch with my mother
When you wash the dishes, it turns me on
My heart will jump every time you walk through the door
I don't care if you cut your toe nails in the living room
I'll save everything you ever give me
I won't ever forget your birthday, and remind you when mine is coming
I can pee standing up (it's totally gross though)
I think Project Runway is effing lame
You just can't stop reading this!
I've never even seen one episode of Dawson's Creek or Gilmore Girls
I always use my nails to scratch a lottery ticket
I know where to put in the oil, and have even done it
I'll think you're just about the coolest person I know
My friends are hot
I don't have hardly any close guy friends
I've never owned one pink frilly thing
I think pizza and a game at the sports bar down the street is the ideal date
I won't screw your friends
I won't screw your brother
The louder the better
What the hell is "in the box"?
I always open a window when I paint
I've never been on Americas Most Wanted
The only drama I have any part of is on t.v. or on a stage
I don't care if you watch my girly movies with me
I know how to make a fire
I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue about 50% of the time
I've got a love for good (and bad) beer
My kisses will take your breath away
I dig PDAs
I didn't vote for the smoking ban
I don't care if you leave your socks on
You'll never have to do your laundry again
My best friend isn't a guy
I can't stand John Mayer
My burritos are the bomb
I never drive faster than 30 mph in a school zone
My weird habits you'll find adorable
You'll sleep better when I'm next to you
I'd screw Jennifer Aniston too
I'll thank you every time you open the door
I'll never waste your love
I'll laugh at every joke even when it's not funny
I'd never give you shit in front of your friends
It gets better every time
Use as much salt as you want; I don't care
I won't ever let you leave for work in the morning without your lunch
I'm the kind of girl that pees behind bushes when camping
I'll help you find your keys
I don't stop and ask for directions either
I don't have a big brother, so you don't have to worry about getting your ass kicked ever
I've got mean skills in the kitchen or on the grill
I try not to pick my nose, or butt in public
We can watch your movie first
I've never owned anything Hello Kitty
I don't need batteries
I once ate a cricket
I eat red meat
I can kill my own spiders
I'll clean the house perfect every time your mom comes
I'll always have smooth legs
I like it when my hair gets messed up
I used to be able to put my feet behind my neck
My family is just as effed up as yours
I don't want to get married right now
My kids already have a dad
I'll always want more
I like horror movies
I smell pretty good most of the time
I don't litter
When I can I give to charity
I can be ready in 30 minutes or less
I lose at arm wrestling every time
I look both ways before I cross the street
I have cable and Cinemax
I never look directly into the sun
I'll look cute in your shirt
I have a movie collection of almost 200 dvds/videos
You're hotter and more hilarious than anyone I know
I'll show you my boobs at the store when nobody's looking
I old enough to remember when the Berlin Wall came down
I still get carded almost every time I get booze
I won't ever leave makeup on your shoulder
I've never hung a pair of panty hose on the shower rack in my life
I like it when you call me "woman"
I can balance a check book
I'll help you not to forget your mom's birthday
I would never yell "fire" in a crowded theatre
I"m really good at sneaking food into the movies
I was Best Sense of Humor and Princess of Spirit in school
I'll never say "nothing's wrong" when there really is
I know how to hold my own hair back when I puke
My fingers can spill out Mary Had A Little Dream on the piano better than Ray Charles (okay, not really, but I like to think they do)
I've never cried over spilt milk
I have never stabbed anyone in the eye
I can count to 100 by 5's
I've never smuggled drugs out of the country
I don't care if you eat dinner without a shirt
I think it's hot when you doing guy things
I never overload the washer
What else have you got to do?
I know that whipped cream goes on more than sundaes
I've never auditioned for American Idol
I don't eat yellow snow
I like it when you use my kids as an excuse to play little kids games
My Sunday morning breakfasts will change your life
My chin fits 'just right' in your shoulder when you hold me close
I'll understand if you get jealous
I'm just that good
I never had sexual relations with Bill Clinton... or anyone named Bill ever
I'm a firecracker
You're getting very sleepy...
I've never been on Jerry Springer
I may have already won $10,000,000.
You won't be able to get me out of your head
I know that sticks are better than automatics
I'll let you drive every time if you want
I buy a new toothbrush every time the blue wears down
I know that objects in the mirror are bigger than they appear
I would never smoke the last one
I would never send you to the store for tampons
Flowers will get you laid every time
I've never gotten caught lip syncing on SNL
I have a $5.15 credit on iTunes
I have clean socks that you can borrow if you run out
I never leave the engine running while I'm running into 7-11 "for a second"
I never run with scissors
I've taken the Coke/Pepsi challenge and won
Almost every time I have a winning bottle top
I know how to keep a secret
If you spell something wrong I just think it's cute
I've never failed a survey
I can almost every time find Waldo
I never put my fingers in the light socket
I'm a Scorpio
I have all my shots
It's okay, I don't really expect you to last longer than 10 minutes anyways
I'm pretty damn funny
I'm not a doctor, and I've never played one on t.v. either
I don't care if you eat off my plate
None of my friends are guys I used to have sex with
When you're sleeping I'll always try to be quiet
I have never run out of gas more than three times (well I just effed myself there now, didn't I?)
I know the difference between they're, their, and there
You really kinda would dig having someone to cuddle with on the couch
I know how to get stains out of tshirts
I've seen every episode of "The Shield"
I've got rad hair
I know how to leave you satisfied and hungry for more every time
I'm really good at making lists
After reading this far you've already got too much time invested anyways

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 15... (halfway point reached!)

Assignment du jour is *drumroll* "things I never leave the house without"

Lame, but okay....

Granted there are other things like my purse, wallet, shoes, blah blah blah...but that's a given. OH! And T Bell fundage. Never know when Fourthmeal needs to happen! ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

14 Days...

I'm a Gleek. Seriously. I own all the CDs from season 1, and songs from them dominate my Top 25 Listened To list on iTunes. It's kinda of sad. However, thanks to Glee, my kids are now interested in some of my favorite bands like Journey and Queen. You know you've done right in raising your kids when they sing Journey songs with you in the car on the way to school. Whooooo!

Season 2 starts in 8 days. Only. 8. Days. *squeal!!!!* I'm counting down to it like I am my birthday (which is in 50 days....hint hint)

Gleek to the core, and damn proud of it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

ten reasons why Johnny Cash > Chuck Norris

Reason 1.

Only one man who has ever lived has been bad enough to be called "The Man In Black" and it wasn't Chuck Norris

Reason 2.
Johnny didn't have to fight to be a bad ass. He just had to pick up a beer bottle and a guitar.

Reason 3.
Norris made a bunch of films where he killed folks. Johnny Cash went to Folsom Prison and did a concert. You tell me which one takes more balls.

Reason 4.
Chuck wasn't the first of his kind to kick ass. Johnny was the first rock star to set something on fire. While most artists only set their hotel rooms on fire, Johnny took it one step further and burned down half a national forest.

Reason 5.
When Chuck was five, he was a normal five year old. Johnny had already earned man points by working in his dad's cotton fields. That is a true bad ass. By the time he was six, Cash did more hard work than most men do in their whole life.

Reason 6.
Chuck never got stabbed in the back by a woman. Johnny never stopped bleeding. Chuck may have gotten punched a few times, but Johnny knew what real pain was.

Reason 7.
Chuck is a Republican. Johnny was close with every president except for GWB. It was said he just didn't trust that son of a bitch. When Johnny didn't trust someone, you just knew something foul was going on.

Reason 8.
Johnny was invited to play the at White House in 1972 for Richard Nixon. He was given a list of politically correct songs to sing. He instead metaphorically threw up his middle finger at the establishment, and sang a set full of left leaning, politically charged tunes. Chuck Norris has never told the president to eff off in his own house.

Reason 9.
Chuck Norris made a lot of crappy movies. Johnny Cash never touched anything that didn't turn to gold. In the 80's, he made a song called "Chicken in Black" to get himself out of a record deal. Even that became popular.

Reason 10.

Johnny is the only man in history to decline painkillers after a double bypass heart surgery. He knew he liked drugs too god damn much and wouldn't stop. That shows power over an addiction previously not seen before. Kicking a ninja's ass is easy compared to kicking a drug's ass.

Day 13...

A lot of people in my circles of friends were never aware of this diamond in the rough. Brendan makes me happy. No matter what type of mood I'm in, he always manages to cheer me up, smile and dance when I hear his music. When I worked at American Eagle Outfitters, I got to hear his song "Tiny Spark" every hour, and it made the day somewhat bearable.

Granted, before I became a huge fan of the Raconteurs, I wasn't knowledgable about the scrawny blonde in the band with the curly hair....but then I did my research. And the outcome? AWESOME! I love Brendan ALMOST as much as I love Elvis Presley...and that says something.

This is one of my most favorite songs that he did with the Raconteurs, with some help from the legendary RICKY SKAGGS and the lovely Ashley Monroe. I can't help but sing along every time....

Brilliant, eh? Geniuses!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

wise words from the good doctor

‎"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
— Dr. Seuss

Le jour 12...

...these are only some of the reasons I love the place I call home....Portland, Oregon!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

So I skipped day 10 and went straight to 11....

The daily "assignment" for day 10 was stupid. What's my favorite place to eat? 'Tarded. (It's Olive Garden, Red Robin, or a really good BBQ joint by the way)

So, Day 11, here we go!

I don't have a "makeup bag"...I have a makeup suitcase! As a freelance makeup artist, I've got more cosmetics than I personally need. at least 6 different kinds of mascara; 9 different types of eyeliner; 30 or so shades of eyeshadow, blush, etc; and honestly way too many things in it to mention.

I do love my job. :D

Dear Portland...

Hi, if you or your horse "lost" a very large pile of horse poop, I found it. It is right where you lost it, in front of OMSI on the east bank esplanade. Feel free to come collect it at any time, I'm sure it will stay in the middle of the path until you get a chance to reclaim it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 9...

Post a picture of the last thing I purchased? Lame sauce. Come on! Gimme something entertaining. Well, I guess if I had bought something other than this

this entry might have had the potential to be entertaining. So....my bad. Will make up for it later today. I've been working on my Ode to Urban Dictionary...should be a hoot. A hoot I say!

Monday, September 6, 2010

6, 7, 8......

Okay, so I got distracted by Labor Day Weekend, but you can't blame a girl. Well, distracted being translated as bad Chinese food making me a not so happy girl with a not so happy tummy, a birthday party and being the designated "hold the birthday girl's belongings because surely she would drunkenly leave her crap on some random corner of Portland"-er, and the kickoff for college football! So, let's catch up, shall we?

Just look at that face! Oh, so sweet! Of course even golden retriever puppies are just like other pups, but who cares? I just wanna hold him and get some snuggle time with that puppy. And, even puppy breath is so sweet. (Yes, I realize what I just stated, and I back it up.)


I've done the church wedding with the pretty dress and formality. Wasn't my bag back then, still isn't. I want to go away with my hubby to be (if I ever have one) and a few close friends to here

and make it legal. Haystack Rock makes such a cool backdrop for weddings. And, let's face it...the Oregon Coast is pretty epic. I mean, come on! Look at this:

That right there is from a legit Oregon Coast Hitchin' Ceremony. Shazaam! And after the legal part is taken care of....gotta party the right way with good tunes, good friends, family, and the thing that holds us all together, BBQ!



Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 5...

Today's "assignment" according to the challenge is to post a picture of myself from 2 years ago. The only difference between me then and now is the hairstyle, and few pounds of cushion. I was just going to post a picture of Martha Plimpton (because she's, as I like to call her, PLIMPTACULAR), but then would I really be doing this whole 30 day thing honestly? No.

So, peoples...here's me in the early fall of 2008. Keep the screaming, be it offended or attracted to all this awesomeness, at a minimum. It's 4:15am, and people are sleeping.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 4...

My best friends...what charmers those effers are! I have 4, and they're all insane...just as it should be. Drumroll please. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my unbiological brother and sisters.



