Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1...

There I am, stuffing my face with the miracle that is glorious pizza. Lactose intolerance can kiss my Irish-Scottish behind. Usually I'm behind the camera, but being my best friend's maid of honor (of sorts) didn't really let me do that. So, tada! This is what you get when I'm left to my own cramming delicious food into my mouth in almost every picture taken of me (or at least at a function where I can be seen near the tasty nutrition).

Let's was my day today? Well, in all honesty it's 7:18am and I'm not even out of bed yet. However I can tell you how it's been since midnight.
Allergies kept me awake until 2 freaking a.m. Sore throat. Itchy eyes. Blah blah blah. Not even Benedryl was helping. Any my sunburn from my friends' wedding on Saturday itches like a baseball player's crotchal area in the bottom of the 8th inning. Blah. So, I was up until approximately 2:14 (or something like that) watching Heath Ledger parade around in 18th century Italian fashions while chasing skirts. Ah, Casanova...what a life you led.
And now it's 7:21 a.m. One hour and 9 minutes until my kids get dropped off and my mother and I whisk them away to the Oregon State Fair for the day. And after hearing my dog making that gagging/dry heaving noise, grabbing his collar, bolting down the stairs and out the door so he didn't heave on my bed while chanting "No no no no no no no no...." until the front yard was reached, I really hope that isn't how the rest of the day is going to go. Honestly, I might just go back to sleep for half an hour so I'm not a complete and total bitch when the mini me's get here.
I am excited to go to the fair. I haven't been since I was pregnant with my son 7 years ago. And going to Salem for the day will keep me out of trouble and off Portland's streets for about half a day. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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