Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the 25 things....thing

1. I am "dairy sensitive"...so not cool
2. I have a sick and unhealthy love for bacon, beer, and barbecue (the trifecta of deliciousness)
3. The thing that can always make me smile a good joke
4. I friend for life, so even if we get in a fight, 10 years later I would completely still consider you a friend and start right back up with the friendship
5. I am the biggest nerd ever....well, Disney nerd anyway
6. I have a ton of friends, but only a handful that are true ones that have been there for me through thick and thin, and vice verse
7. I love to turn my music up and dance crazy style around my house
8. I karaoke every week. I love it. It's my crack.
9. I would do anything for my kids.
10. I am my own worst critic
11. I love to read...some call it an addiction, I call it a passion
12. I still really enjoy listening to the Spice Girls
13. My favorite features on myself are my eyes
14. My favorite feature on others is their smiles
15. I hate putting liner on people with crinkly eyelids
16. I get irritated when people have expectations based on gender stereotypes
17. I love my guitar. Picking it up and just rocking out is good therapy...and cheaper.
18. I love it when runway models fall down when on the catwalk. What can I say, I'm sadistic like that and find it hilarious.
19. I am a redneck country girl
20. I love roller coasters
21. I always find it weird that they bleep out the god in goddamn
22. I have an amazing memory for details, but can never remember where I put my cell phone
23. My friends mean the world to me. Screw with them, and you'll have my foot up your ass.
24. I love being around people.
25. I am a history geek. Take me to Colonial Williamsburg and I will be in Heaven

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