Day 25...
Ah, the female's purse. Her bag of tricks. The container to all her secrets. The source of her "power". I thank bbq everyday that I'm not one of those girls who stashes everything she owns in her purse for "just in case" moments. (that's what my car's trunk is for. duh.)
As a mom, and as a 25 year old female humanoid, I have a spattering of different items in my purse depending on the day, and of course which bag I decided to sport that fine day.
Today, it's my medium sized Guess? purse (complete with matching wallet). So...wallet, keys, coin purse, smut novel, chapstick, gum wrappers, ticket stubs from the zoo, guitar picks that have fallen out of my coin purse that I'm just too lazy to put back, my phone and pack of lung cancer sticks. Exciting, right? Whooooo! It's like a party in my shoulderbag. *rolls eyes*
Don't get too excited...sometimes I even have a comb in there. Yeah. Real party girl on the move.
Day 26...
A photo of somewhere I've been to...what the deuce? As a traveler, I love going places, both old and familiar and also new and exciting.
Earlier this year during Spring Break, I had the opportunity to drive from the Rose City all the way to "exotic" Fort Dodge, Iowa. (I was delivering a car for one of my dad's former elderly employees) I traveled through 8 states in 3 days. I got to see a lot of places I had wanted to visit in the midwest, but had lacked the chance to. I nerded out. A lot.
Two stops on the way to Iowa I was more excited about than all the others. Yes, I did in fact find places more exciting than the Corn Palace in Wyoming (it does exist)... Deadwood, South Dakota; and the Little Big Horn Battlefield. However, I lost my heart in the Black Hills...and it's Deadwood FTW!
So much history! So beautiful! So...western! The town embodies everything you think the Wild West would, could, and should have been. Love it...and I can't wait to go back.
Day 27...
Another "post a picture of yourself from
Samantha: Autumn 2009
Ah, Oahu.... Hawaii speaks to my soul. The attitude, the people, the weather, the....well, everything...never fails to make me feel like I belong. I'm never unhappy there (and it's not the tropical drinks that make me say that). Last fall, I had the chance to spend 4 days there with my best friend, Nephi, and her now husband in Honolulu. He was home on leave from Iraq, and it was around my birthday. This spelled VACATION! I had not had a real vacation in years. I was turning 25. I needed to get out of dodge. It had been a rough rough year, and everyone knew that time away from home was needed, so I was sent to the Aloha State to get away "from it all". Not complaining. I had a blast. I had never taken a vacation without my family and just friends. I had never been that far away from my kids in their entire lives. I had never completely un-wound from all the stresses of the last 5 years and enjoyed myself.
The gorgeous sunsets, exploring the island everyday, scorching sun and dripping humidity, never ending games of Your Team, and two of my best friends made for a vacation I will never forget. And, I gotta say...I'm ready for Hawaii: Part Deux. Hint hint.
Samantha: Autumn 2010
Yes. This is the same girl in the previous photo. Attractive, ain't she? Who could resist that....face? LOL!
Everyone changes with each passing year. Thier hairstyle. Clothes. Underwear (hopefully). Why fight it? I've found that in the past year, my sarcasm has really come out, even more than before. My understanding of love has grown. My ability to withstand personal hardships has strengthened. My drive is more focused. I've become a better parent, friend, daughter, musician all because of it. I wouldn't trade any of my "learning experiences" for anything.
I know who and what mean the most to me. I know where I stand and what I believe in more than ever before...and it's a good feeling to have.
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