Friday, June 25, 2010

getting in on the fun!!!

Old people FTW! How is it that grandmas and grandpas kick so much ass on the regular? This guy is literally rolling with the punches and seems to be having a blast. I hope I’m as awesome as he is several decades from now. I don’t even think I would have joined that conga line at my current age, so good for him!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You + Me = Pure Awesome

brilliant! effing brilliant!

Zach's oprah deal from Zach Anner on Vimeo.

Give the kid his own show! For fracking sake...Oprah, if you don't, you're an even bigger douche than before.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I need it like a fat kid needs a diet!

Seriously going to get my guitar back, come hell or highwater. It has been decided. Shazaam!

my my my...

Hello, Summer... I've been waiting for you. 'Bout fracking time! Oregon has been too gray as of lately. Took your sweet time getting here.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Did I Remember to Mention the Dog?

These are the things that I noticed about this picture, in the order that I noticed them:
1. Dog.
2. Mustache.
3. Dog!
4. Mullet?
5. Popped collar.
6. DOG!!
7. Sunglasses, hand weight, white wine (I kind of noticed all of those at the same time)
8. Shorts.
9. Dog!
10. Wait a second . . .
11. DOG!!!
12. Is that . . . in his shorts . . . ?
13. Let’s just keep looking at the dog!!
14. Oh no. Please tell me it’s not.
15. DOG DOG DOG DOG DOG!!!!!!!!!!!
16. [violent sobbing]

refreshing in an odd sort of way

Starting over is hard. Trust me. I feel like I'm cheating on my former blog. You know...the one on that dead social network that was once the hip place to be, but now has turned into the slums of sketchy dudes trying to sweet talk their way into the pants of some 17 year old (who has the standard "I'm hot...look at me in my bikini taking a picture of myself in my bathroom mirror" profile pic).

Ready? Let's doooooo it! Shazaam!